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Unanimous Jury Verdict Clears Our Client in High-Stakes Home Health Care Business Dispute


Duval County, Texas — After a contentious legal battle over the sale of a home health care business, attorney Michael Saldaña garnered a unanimous jury verdict absolving our client of all civil liability. The verdict confirms that our client did not violate any sale agreement terms, overturning all claims made by the opposing party.

Our client sold her home health care business for upwards of a quarter-million dollars and received a 30% down payment. Soon after, the buyers abruptly ceased further payments, alleging several unfounded grievances.They claimed unfulfilled post-sale growth promises, regulatory violations involving Medicare and the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services(DADS). They also accused our client of misrepresenting insurance agreements and licensing status and asserted that the business had undisclosed debts to creditors.

Defendant's TImeline of Events


Throughout the trial, these allegations were thoroughly dismantled. Mr. Saldaña demonstrated that our client did not walk away from the company; she was unceremoniously terminated. The evidenced showed that the supposed regulatory violations were a non-issue. In fact, the company’s license remained valid, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

Mr. Saldaña impeached the Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant by presenting newly surfaced documents indicating that they had retained legal representation during the deal, contrary to their claims. The so-called creditor issues were resolved, with a deduction from what our client was to be compensated by the opposing party.

The jury's unanimous verdict confirmed that our client honored her end of the agreement. All twelve jurors rejected the Plaintiff’s claims and ruled in favor of our client's counter-claim for breach of contract. The jury ruled that our client was entitled to the remaining amount under the sale agreement.

This verdict not only clears our client's name but also reaffirms the integrity and legality of her business practices. We are pleased with the jury's decision and proud to have represented our client in this matter.

Written by
Pena Aleczander Law Firm