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Settlement Reached in the Case of Construction Defects at Port Isabel Event Center

Port Isabel, Texas — After months of negotiations and on the eve of trial, both parties have amicably reached a settlement regarding the alleged construction defects at the Port Isabel Event Center. The specifics of the agreement will remain confidential, reflecting the mutual respect and understanding between all involved entities.

The Port Isabel Event Center, a landmark establishment in Port Isabel, has been at the center of discussions regarding construction challenges. This settlement signifies a positive step forward, addressing concerns and paving the way for both side’s continued success.

Attorney Jaime Peña

Colair Construction attorney Jaime Peña, commented, “We are pleased with the outcome and are confident that this settlement has fairly compensated our clients for their efforts in overseeing the construction of the Center.  It also marks a new chapter for them and the Port Isabel Event Center.”

Both parties hope that with this settlement, they can redirect their energies to the betterment of the greater Port Isabel community.

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Pena Aleczander Law Firm